Microbial Potential Appraisal Associated with Spent Mushroom Compost against management of Lentil Fusarium Wilt


  • Shahid Hussain Department of Plant Protection, Malir halt Karachi
  • Farman Shah Department of Plant Protection, Malir halt Karachi
  • Z. Amin Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International
  • Muhammad Naveed Aslam Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Crop and Food Sciences, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi
  • Y. S Khan Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Crop and Food Sciences, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi




Evaluation, Microbial, Compost, Potential


Lentils “Lens culinaris” is known as second important cultivated pulse crop in the world. It’s a protein-rich pulse. The major area under cultivation is in developing countries and is sown as rain fed crop. This crop can be grown in poor nutrient soils and often faces drought during the period of plant growth. Lentil is known as the second most leguminous important crop grown in Pakistan, which is cultivated on 82 000 hectares area which is about 26% on pulse area sown in Pakistan. The annual production of this crop is 30, 000 tons. Fusarium wilt, is an important diseases of lentil throughout the world. This is also a major factor behind limiting of the successful cultivation of this crop. Fusarium oxysporum attacks the roots of plant species that results in the wilting, yellowing or death of the whole plants by colonizing in xylem vessels. It is also noted that, Fusarium spp. have a broad host rang and can retain in the soil for a long period of time. Moreover, the source of chemical applications resulted in resistant species and also pollution of the natural ecosystem. Therefore, biological control is being used now a days for controlling of this pathogen, the use of PGPR gave best in this regards. There was total 18 isolates of the pathogen were purified. Fusarium oxysporum was isolated, identified and purified on medium. We found 7 isolates to be more virulent as compared to other with varying degrees of virulence. By utilizing serial weakening technique rhiz obacterial isolates were disconnected and filtered on Nutrient Agar medium. The complete detached were assessed to known their capability to estrange the shrink pathogen by the method of in vitro. It was screened that of 22 isolates only two (2) detached were discovered proficient and had extensive adversarial impact on the pathogen. These microorganisms selected for further different test. The studies demonstrated that these Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria were assessed their hostile capacity under both research center condition. All the Medication was demonstrated the results that these PGPR successfully diminished the rate of illness and bettering further increment in the development of plants. The study demonstrated that among all treatments T7 showed the best results with 0% ailment occurred. T4 and T1 was showed little minimum successful after T7 among themselves respectively. The present study hence demonstrates that the PGPR reduced the attack of Fusarium oxysporum also improved the plant growth. The findings of the current research suggested that a there should be mixture of PGPR agents for the development is needed, because it is better to adapted the environmental changes occur globally around the world in the growing season and protect against a broader range of pathogens




How to Cite

Hussain, S., Shah, F., Amin, Z., Aslam, M. N., & Khan, Y. S. (2023). Microbial Potential Appraisal Associated with Spent Mushroom Compost against management of Lentil Fusarium Wilt. Jammu Kashmir Journal of Agriculture, 3(1), 19–30. https://doi.org/10.56810/jkjagri.003.01.0054



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